Visual effect and computer generated imagery has helped filmed industry a lot in terms of ideas and giving life to creative ideas with the help of techniques and stunning special effects. Whereas, if we see practical effects like explosions and other significant stunts etc, they look realistic but they generate a huge amount of emissions which leads to pollution like air pollution, other resources consumptions, usage to fuel and oil etc. 

In the Movie Oppenheimer, Christopher Nolan used practical effects method and perspective technique to showcase The Trinity Test in the movie, to shot this test they used pyrotechnics made of gasoline, propane, aluminum powder, magnesium and other matters. In the movie they came up really nice and appealing to the audience as that looked way to realistic but in real world it impacted the environment a lot  and nature had to pay the cost of it. 

 The usage of CGI in todays world it is more beneficial in terms of environmental sustainability as in computer generated imagery the need of sets are totally gone, we can simply create the sets and use our ideas and imaginations to create and design better backgrounds and landscape and the need of extensive transportation to reach the location and consumption of resources of production houses like paying rent or transportation fee for the locations, cost of designing sets etc. In terms of Post Production, editing all these captured shots is easier as digital files are easily edited as per needs without the need of traveling to the previous location also saves time and cost of creating the similar set again.


Visual effects and CGI  is also been used in marketing sector for advertisement and retail purpose as creators try to make appealing advertisements in order to attract more customers and it is also cost saving, produced much more quickly and do not harm environment and comes out to be eco-friendly option and creator can use their imagination to bring things and ideas to reality and adding more fun appeal to it. 








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