Evolution of fiction movies - by ramandeep singh

Evolution of fictional movies: need of CGI and VFX

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 As part of the digital world, storytelling has evolved from word of mouth to visual scenes.  Stories based on fiction have generally found a way to be presented through computer-generated imagery combined with visual effects, in short form CGI and VFX. Such things satisfy the audience's fantasies and deplete the layers of reality and fiction (Sunderland, P. W. 2019). meanwhile, such technical features gave a new shape to the cinematic field, especially unbounded the unreal boundaries in fictional movies. 

To understand the role of visual tech features like CGI and VFX, primarily the reason is to get public engagement in such movies, and our study thoroughly enters the realm of the visual phenomenon in which we investigate the characteristics of CGI and VFX and following that investigating about how it grabs the engagement and gives a sense of illusion (Chabanova, A. 2022). while these features can develop exciting results, they also come up with moral and practical issues concerning their application to the film industry their application.

Digital technology has altered cinematography in the twenty-first century, creating a novel narrative form. Filmmakers now have unmatched freedom to express their creativity thanks to the democracy of filmmaking brought about by the introduction of digital cameras and social media screenings (Vidackovic, Z., Zigo, I. R., & Naglic, F. 2023). The popularity of highly visual effects-driven films has increased recently. Examples of these are Jon Favreau's "The Lion King" (2019), Christopher Nolan's "Inception" (2010), and James Cameron's "Avatar" (2009).

These cinematic masterpieces push the envelope of visual storytelling by using computer-generated imagery (CGI) to bring magical worlds, AI visualizations, and thought-provoking narratives to life. VFX and CGI are becoming increasingly popular, but they also have several problems, such as the high price of producing scenes that require a lot of CGI.

As technology advances, so do the moral and practical questions related to its application in the film industry. Significant concerns of privacy, influencing emotions, and appropriate data use are brought up by incorporating motion capture and computer graphics into fictional stories. Even though these technologies present unmatched chances for realistic narratives, their ethical ramifications must be carefully considered. Filmmakers must balance ethical obligations and artistic expression to ensure that the audience's experience is enhanced rather than diminished by CGI and VFX.

In conclusion, computer-generated imagery and visual effects have brought a revolution in the film industry in the field of fictional stories. It gave a whole new face to fictional movies to uncover fantasies; such tools are gifts for the creators to create all the non-existing things to happen and present on the big screens. Despite looking at the problems of filmmakers of growing influence, the revolutionary effects of such techniques can not be ignored. henceforth let us appreciate the unbounded potential of CGI and VFX to engage more audiences and welcome them into a whole fictional world full of entertainment.


Chabanova, A. (2022). VFX–A New Frontier: The Impact of Innovative Technology on Visual Effects (Doctoral dissertation, University of Westminster).


Sunderland, P. W. (2019). The Virtual Worlds of Cinema Visual Effects, Simulation, and the Aesthetics of Cinematic Immersion (Doctoral dissertation).


Vidackovic, Z., Zigo, I. R., & Naglic, F. (2023). Digital Transformation of Cinema in the 21st Century and its Impact. Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings, 97-106.



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