CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) and VFX (Visual effects) plays a very exceptional role in the industry of entertainment. If we talk about CGI and VFX they both offer us unique speciality. 

CGI deals with computer generated graphics by using 3D and 2D concepts or modelling. We can experience Computer generated imagery in various movies, games, advertisements etc. as it is widely used  in various entertainment industries, and people have been using it from very long time in entertainment industry. 

In 1973, The film named “WESTWORLD” was released, and that movie was marked as the first CGI generated movie. After that they never looked back and CGI gained widespread popularity and showcased their potential and talent of computer generated graphics and visual effects. This was like a dream in early time as that seemed like an impossible thing to achieve in early days. Few movies were released like “JURASSIC WORLD” in 1993, “TRON” in 1982 and many more, in which computer generated imagery talent was showcased. 


Visual effects is a subgroup of CGI as they precisely work on elements, motion capture of the scene, rotoscoping, creating visual components in live action shots and many more. The movie INCEPTION is really famous for its work in VISUAL EFFECTS as there is a effect created in the movie which showcases that the cities are getting folded as the person goes deeper and deeper into someone’s dreams, which showcases a great work of imagination and hard work and that kind of effect anticipates the audience and held the audience to watch the movie till end. 

    Visual effects and CGI made a possibility to create wonder worlds which were more like a dream because creating those wonder world in real using sets might have cost a lot to the production companies but with the help of CGI and Visual effects this came true and made a possibility to open your imaginations and create beautiful and unique characters, ideas, stories, and worlds.           

In conclusion, VFX and CGI made and transformed different industries to create and make exceptional ideas and storylines with their vast imagination and without any second thoughts of, creating of physical sets or location hunts.                                                                 

- By SAHIBFATEH SINGH (2343329)                         


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