(Boricha, 2023)    

 The use of VFX in modern media production and consumption has become the norm. It leaves a lasting impact on viewers of movies, TV shows and commercials from the bright blue world of James Cameron's Pandora in "Avatar" to "Game of Thrones" (Zorrilla, 2024). As for Flying Dragon, VFX enhances the viewer's perspective by capturing what was previously impossible for the target audience, making striking structures and themes possible and becoming the film's legacy if it is incredible. However, achieving such impressive results requires more than some changes in the post-production process. So, in this post, let's look at what makes a VFX great and what aspects can drive its value.


To understand visuals


In this topic, VFX stands for visual effects, which is the creation of shots that were not planned to be captured on the set and live-action shots that were captured on the set.  This can involve the integration of CGI effects, where one can fine-tune any scene in the film or even map two scenes that were not originally related.  For example, the epic battles in "Avengers" which can be observed in "Apocalypse: Endgame" (Gilmer, 2019), and the believable visual presentation of the dinosaurs in "Jurassic World" (Lethbridge, 2024).


As with all VFX costs, this attribute is also categorized higher than other control factors. 

1. Complexity and range

Level of Detail: Such images of realistic characters, objects, plain realism, and objects require more time and resources than interactive images. the construction of Thanos in “Avengers: Infinity War”(Abad-Santos, 2018) was mainly polygons, filled to the brim. Thanks to its Marvel animated scale and pace, it had a very detailed animation, and the main effects took several attempts.

 Number of impacts: Higher costs are reasonably incurred when multiple impacts are detected, or residual and complex effects can be spread over various locations. If any scene requires more actors and stunts and there are more special effects in the shot, for example, a sample of fantastic backgrounds, it takes a few weeks, not a few months, to complete all these effects.

Effect Traits: Basic effect characteristics like colour correction cost less than comprehensive effects such as CGI regions or entire lines.


                                                                                                                (You, 2016)
 Before and after VFX, a straightforward process altered by visual effects

2. Software and Technology

 License Costs: The high-end VFX software such as Autodesk Maya, Houdini, and Nuke are expensive to license. For you to get excellent results, you need these tools.

Hardware: To render complex images, you need potent computers and servers (called render farms). Sometimes, these applications could be costly, up to millions for massive productions.



                                      (The Best VFX Workstations of 2023 – EK Fluid Works, n.d.)

VFX Workstations: High-end machines for VFX


3. Performance and knowledge

Talent: Because of their specialized skills, experienced VFX artists, animators and Technical Directors receive high salaries. Their expertise ensures that the effects look visually stunning and become part of the live footage seamlessly.

Group size: Large groups mean higher costs; larger projects may require the collaboration of hundreds of artists. For example, “The Lion King” (2019) employed more than 1,000 VFX artists(Technicolor Creative, 2023).

Experience Level: Employees with more experience are more expensive but can work faster and get higher results.


                                       Building a VFX Team: Collaborating on complex issues


 Process and Cost


1. Before the production

 Planning and Storyboarding: Pre-production involves planning VFX shots and creating concept art. This sets the foundation for painting work and can be time-consuming but is essential for successful execution.

                                                                                                          (Storyboards, n.d.)

 Storyboards and concept art: Designing VFX scenes



2. Production of products


Creating and integrating VFX: During production, VFX artists create and integrate effects in live-action scenes. This often requires several iterations to achieve the desired shape, increasing time and cost.

                                                                                                                                                                           (Georgeanimatrix_Admin, 2024)
                    On-Set VFX Integration: Actors working with the green screen


3. Behind the scenes

 Finalizing and refining effects: Effects are refined in post-production to ensure they blend seamlessly with the final look. This stage often requires extensive assembly work and is critical to the polished look of the final product.


                                                                                                                        (Admin & Admin, 2022)

Composition and final touches: Layering effects for the final scene



 In the contemporary media industry budget, VFX expense Price is an inevitable part of this. Numerous components, such as project complexity, scope, skill level, and technology, contribute to VFX cost. However, with great VFX, the visual narrative of a company can be improved, thereby leading to marketing success.

By- Snehpal kaur


  1. Our group personally appreciates the work of Group 5B, particularly their presentation of VFX. The first noteworthy aspect is their recognition of the impact of VFX, which they highlighted effectively in their blog. They clearly demonstrate the crucial role of VFX in modern media production, enhancing the viewer experience for TV shows and movies. Additionally, their examples of VFX-based movies, such as "Avatar" and "Game of Thrones," are blockbusters, illustrating the significance of VFX in creating successful films. Furthermore, the pictures they chose effectively show how VFX works.

    However, there are some weaknesses in their blog. The links they mentioned are just text, not clickable links, which reduces the usability of their sources. Another issue is the inclusion of the group members' names with the topic heading, making it appear as if the names are part of the heading. Additionally, all the posts are combined, making it difficult to see who contributed what part.


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